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Do Something that Scares Me: Live FB-cast at Darou Wellness TOMORROW, Sept 19, 2018

I was already a little fluttery in the stomach weeks before the talk tomorrow (c'mon, no one LOVES public speaking right?) but when the opportunity to do a LIVECAST (thanks wonderful folks at Darou Wellness for suggesting this!) on Facebook came up, I just felt compelled to do it because it absolutely scares the pants off me!

Yes, I am trying to make a living doing what I do by self-promoting through talks and doing something on FB. But man, the bigger picture at stake here is the plain old fact that I just need to do something that really terrifies me so I can finally get over that fear of showing up and speaking to a general public!

For years I have avoided venturing into talking, video-ing, and yes, appearing in public. Small talks were fine. In fact, small panels and gatherings were my forte. This time, the tsunami-like feeling of popping up in someone's facebook feed feels ever so much more REAL than it ever has. And its REALLY AWESOMELY FREEING!

I originally had intended to just do a small talk at Darou Wellness on Acupuncture and Women's Health tomorrow at the clinic after work. A wonderful suggestion was made to take the talk a little further for public information purposes and let folks know what we do at the clinic and I had to jump on it. Hence the livecast idea was born!

So the talk will still run as scheduled. Live people are more than welcome. However, we will try and hook it up so that the information presented will be available on Facebook during the event as well as after so anyone who couldn't make it due to work, life, etc will still be able to tune in and learn.

I'll be focusing on How Acupuncture Can Help with Two Common Women's Health Conditions: PMS and Period Pain. But I welcome questions during the talk and after on topics other than what I am covering if anyone has any burning need to ask anything they were always curious about and wanted to know about Acupuncture in general (what it feels like, where the needles go, what happens during acupuncture, what else it can help treat..etc..etc).

It starts at 7pm tomorrow (that's Sept 19, 2018) and I will aim to conclude at 8pm. For those who want to be at the clinic to listen, doors will be open and we will have tea and snacks ready. The address again: Darou Wellness, 822 Richmond St W, Suite 102, Toronto.

If anyone has any questions you can call Darou Wellness at 416-214-9251. You can also DM me on Instagram @daryl.fang or find me on messenger on Facebook.

Don't get me wrong. This is my first live anything-cast on and my stomach is still feeling like the insides of a washer. Be kind folks and I hope you enjoy it as much I think I will!


© 2017 by Daryl Fang. R.Ac, B.App.Sci. Human Biology & Traditional Chinese Medicine, B.A. Psychology


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